MVP has been developed! Scroll down to watch a brief demo.

Connect with your thoughts, experiences and the Word of God as you graze life's pastures.

Pastures will be a one-stop solution for journalling, learning, and growing. A super-app for your faith.

product preview

A product that adds real, lasting value to lives.

Keeping track of your life in this digital age will never been easier than with Pastures. There is simply too much that Pastures will be doing, but here are just 3 features as a little sneak peak:

  1. Feature 1Seamless and AI-powered categorization...of journal entries into various life aspects, without user having to manually do so. Allows for intuitive review.
  2. Feature 2Daily, personalized and relevant devotional prompts...that contextualizes one's faith by linking user's personal experiences to theoretical learnings about the faith.
  3. Feature 3Your personal spiritual help-buddy...who does not seek to instruct. Pastures will point out areas in your life that you should be paying closer attention to.


An MVP (version 1) has been developed as of Aug 2023, and it offers a mere foretaste of what Pastures will be able to do.


Send an email over to find out how you can contribute, invest, or pray for this app.

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Psalm 23:2 "He makes me lie down in green pastures...."